Lakeside Lawn Pool Reconstruction
RESTORATION HIGHLIGHT – Lakeside Lawn Pool Reconstruction, 2019
Based on photos and oral tradition, the small pool on the Lucknow Mansion’s lakeside lawn was altered or rebuilt at least twice since the Plants inhabited the home. In the fall of 2019, the team from Sublime Landscapes undertook a complete reconstruction of the pool using historic photographs to guide the process.
After stripping out the stone and revealing a cement basin believed to date to the pool’s early 20th-century construction, Sublime installed a waterproof pond lining to prevent leaks. The next step was to install a layer of smooth river stone throughout the cement basin to create a more natural appearance, similar to what is visible in historic photos from the Plant/Tobey eras. They laid the stone dry (without mortar) to accommodate shifts brought on by freezing/melting, which can damage the liner. After placing a layer of large stones, the crew added smaller stones of varying sizes to create a natural, river bottom appearance.
Sublime Landscapes reveals
cement basin, part of
the pool’s original
construction. »

Sublime Landscapes installing
a waterproof lining and
smooth river stones
to mimic the pool’s
historic appearance. »

Reconstructed pool, 2019.
The “Sprite” statue usually
found in the pool’s center was
away for replication at the time
of this photo and the replica
has since been installed.
Using a replica statue allows
us to preserve the original as
part of our historic collection. »

Reconstructed pool, 2020. »