Archives: Events

Castle Car Show

Register your Automobile   Register as a Spectator  Join us for our annual Castle Car Show with an incredible gathering of automobiles at...

Hikers Club: Turtleback Mountain Trail

Led by an experienced volunteer hiker, this week’s hike is along Turtleback Mountain Trail. This hike is about 7.5 miles and has...


Castle in the Clouds is Open!  May and June open 6 days a week (Thursday–Tuesday, closed on Wednesday).  Enjoy a  guided tour of the Lucknow Mansion!  Come to a Music Night on the Terrace! Look through our Calendar of Events to see all the Castle’s programs and events!

Castle in the Clouds is Open!  May and June open 6 days a week (Thursday–Tuesday, closed on Wednesday).  Enjoy a  guided tour of the Lucknow Mansion!  Come to a Music Night on the Terrace! Look through our Calendar of Events to see all the Castle’s programs and events!